I have officially been home in PA for 3 weeks and 2 days today. So far I think Lauren and i have talked every night, not that you wanted to know but... It has been good but hard. was here for just over a week before getting a job at Target. God is amazing in how He works everything out. It has been hard these past two weeks because of the fact that I do not get a paycheck until next week and I have no money. It is only because of my brother Jon that I am able to get around (well there is God in it all too). He has been a huge blessing to me in opening up his apartment for me to stay at while I am here and also including food that I do not have to pay for.
Jon is my younger brother by 3 years for those who do not know. He and I have a close bond through circumstances that has been a blessing to both of us. I believe it started when he was having a rough time in life with different things and not really following God at all. I know there were many people praying for him and after a trip to our friends house for Easter and complications with his car when we got back and a conversation that went something like this: (Jon)- does God want something from me? (Me)- Yes. anyway. He got baptized a week or so later and I went to his baptismal and watching that brought tears to my eyes. Since then he has changed his life some, not that it was bad to begin with. During my time as missionary staff at camps he has financially supported me and there is nothing more humbling than your little sibling supporting your ministry. So all that to say he and I have a special bond and I am glad for that.
Meanwhile back to the present, I work at Target and my jobs on most days starts at 4:00 am. And I thought getting up early at Redcloud for the breakfast trail rides were bad. God has been great and I am very thankful for what He has done/is doing in my life including Lauren. Lauren is coming up here for New Years which is exciting and going to be fun. We always go down to my cousins for a new years party and it includes a lot of people, food, and fun. We have been counting down the days until we get to see each other again and to be honest it seems like forever. All that I can say is keep watch of this blog come 2010 for more updates on us.
Right now I am waiting on a phone call from YO ranch in Texas to see whether or not I have that job when I go back. Please be praying for that. If I do not get it I am not sure where I will go for work. I have contacted through email a couple other ranches but I have not heard back from them. IT is also possible to apprentice as farrier down in that area but that requires more travel to places. All in all I look forward to what God is doing and is going to do in Lauren and my life together.!!!
3 weeks ago
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