I figured it is once again time to update my blog even though I do much better at this than sending newsletters anyway. I am going back and forth of anxiously waiting on a reply from YO Ranch and trusting/relying on God's plan in the answer from YO. I would love to have the job and pray about it often but I also realize that I may not get it and if that happens it is not the end of the world. I will still move to TX but I will just be doing something else. This week brings lots of excitement as Lauren comes in Thursday for a week. It is also new years and we get to exchange Christmas presents, although they are not extravagant. We are also getting pictures taken for my mom. It is actually her Christmas present. My mom wanted pictures of the family and even though Lauren is not family she also wanted pictures of us.
I have recently watched the John Lynch video again called the two rooms which if you have seen know that it is good to watch fairly frequently. It impacts me every time I watch it. Also church today reminded me to know that I have/need a real relationship with my Lord not just saying that I know Him but actually striving to KNOW Him. Like striving to know a good friend. you do not stop once you know a little about them because if you do you will never become good friends. Good friends spend time together share the good and the bad. are vulnerable to each other and lift each other up. Now I cannot lift the Lord up nor does He need lifting but I do. Only a few more actual day of working at Target left which is nice in a way. It is not a bad job just early and no overtime. The guys I work with and for, for the most part are good guys to be around. But of course I find that I am not easily disliked by people because I do not give them a reason to dislike me.
Life is always changing and I never know what exactly lies around the bend, now there are some things that i can say I am certain of like my relationship with Lauren but specifics i do not know. I do not know how long we will be in TX, where I will work what I will do but God is watching over me and that gives me comfort. So all things considered I am doing just fine. or as a friend would always say "Better than I deserve" and that is the truth.
3 weeks ago
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