So I have been in communication with YO Ranch over the past several weeks. It seems that the decision of my working there has been delayed by 4 other people looking for the same job. They are asking me for a log of hours in training facilitating and being trained for High ropes, Rappelling, Climbing, and Challenge course.
Sounds easy but going back 6 years without keeping a log is hard, especially when they want group names, age range, size and type of facilitation. Hours and hours of work to figure out and hours of work trying to process all the information onto a spreadsheet. Now it sounds a little worse. If I count all the training I had at 3 camps and a workshop my training will add up to over 100 hours. for facilitating or co-facilitating It will add up to around 500 or so hours (guessing) and me training others will not be bad. It will be around 40 but to think of all the climbing, rappelling, adv. course, high ropes I have lead even at Redcloud is daunting. it will get done though.
I am still praying for the YO Ranch Job and that god will provide but in the meantime working at Target is going good. $ AM is early but it makes for a quick day. By 8 my day is at least half over. When I get home I can still take a quick nap if i choose and be able to do stuff afterwards. Christmas is here and I know what I will be getting all of my siblings. As a coffee drinker from a house of coffee drinkers I have come across some good coffee out of Telluride, CO. IT is steaming bean and some of you may have heard it. I now order my coffee through there still and when my siblings tried it they loved coffee it is. Kona Macedamia nut to be exact. the nice thing it is it not really expensive for a Christmas present. Laurens present is already bought so I am almost done with buying gifts.
Lauren comes up in 2 weeks today which I am uber excited about. I get to pick her up from the airport as well which is fantastic. Our relationship is going great and we both look forward to the future, both wishing it were now. I have recently talked with a good friend who is in a relationship as well, shortly after Lauren and I started ours and it helps talking with someone else about their relationship because it helps you view your own. It may bring out things that you did not see and truth that you need to remember. Communication is as old as time but one that people still cannot figure out. We tend to stray from it when it gets hard. That is exactly the time we need to communicate otherwise things will get worse. But we tend to forget that. Lauren and I are not perfect and I know I have my faults but one thing I am glad for is that since the beginning we have had good communication on things and that now makes it easier as we start to see things that annoy us in each other. To think that they would not be there would be impractical so instead of second guessing we accept each others bad habits along with the good ones.
The other day I was thinking about all the times that I have given my thoughts/insight on matters involving other people and thought that I should write a book about life. Not that there aren't enough books or that mine would be different but only to share my thoughts that God has given me with others who seek to know truth. not that everything I say is truth but it would give the reader something to think about and weigh the truth in it, merely leading them to the Truth. I hate writing and reading wasn't my strong point but thinking is. Only if there was some contraption that hooked up to my head and put on paper what I thought. It would go by faster than me writing and my thoughts would be more fluid. NOw that I am rambling and this post is long I feel that if I make it much longer you will not read the rest.
Que Dios Los Benedigos
(May God be with you)
2 weeks ago
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