what is one thing without the other? If it were not for the things we do not like we would would not have what we do like. We did not know what sin was without the law so we did not therefore know that we were dead and needed life. What is love without grief? both are so real and both immaterial can affect the physical. One causes the other. What is joy without sorrow, or laughter without pain. what is life without death or loneliness without feeling needed by someone. What is frustration without relief? All these are very real and felt by everyone of us. on some occasions we even feel many of these within a single day. Why is it oh God that love affects us so much physically? to feel like there is something within you that you cannot remove. a pain so real that it hurts. And why do we feel that at times? I do not understand your ways but hold on to the truth and trust that you will bring me inexpressible joy. Perhaps you allow us to feel your heart in all of this. to feel what you do when we leave you for things of the earth. Tearing your heart to shreds only for you to continue to love us and feel the same every time we do this to you. Yet a love so incomprehensible receives us the same each time. I know what I deserve but help me to understand this which I do not deserve.
3 weeks ago
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