So, Lauren and I now have engagement photos after a month. This is hard because of our schedules. Planning is coming along slowly but we are making progress. We are heading to San Antonio again to get more stuff done as well as continue our registries at Bed Bath and Beyond as well as Target. Four months seems so far away right now and wish it would come quicker.
I have been busy lately on the weekends due to having to take Lifeguarding class for camp. I just sat through 8 hours of CPR which makes me thankful for Brandi's CPR at Redcloud at only 4 hours. I have most of the swimming out of the way which is good. I would like to note that I have not really swam in 10 years and getting to class Friday night and doing our 300 meters right away was a killer. I have no idea how much water I swallowed and it has reassured me of one thing. I do not want to be a lifeguard. I have enough responsibility with being a high ropes/climbing tower supervisor as well as WFR trained. I do not need to add to it. Like I said earlier I have to take this for my job, I did not volunteer for this at all. It is not that I am a bad swimmer, I just do not want the extra responsibility. I have one more weekend to go and then I will be done.
It is starting to get warmer here in Texas and would like to note that I do not look forward to the summer here except for the second half of August ;-). My job is slow right now and there really is no leadership above me. Not that there is not someone above me but that they do not really manage at all. On another note Lauren and I have started Counseling which I believe will be good. It is just finding the time to do the homework that is the struggle. I will let you get back to your work now as I will get back to mine.
God Bless
3 weeks ago